Monday 2 May 2011


After the usual 24 hours in transit, including 4 hours at Singapore Airport, we were happy to find our way easily to the Metro. Less happy when we waited 20 minutes for the train to depart. A bit apprehensive when the train gradually filled so that we could no longer see our luggage on the racks provided. Rather desperate when David discovered on alighting that his wallet was gone.
Our luck changed a little when we encountered a very pretty, English-speaking policewoman in the railway station. She did all she could to help, phoning around to help us and escorting us out of the station to point directions to a bank and the police station where we could report the theft.
We had to get rid of our luggage for the 8 hour wait in Athens before our ship departed for Naxos at 5:30pm. After some problems, we found the Athens Backpackers where we put the stuff in lockers. I went next door to a Sports Bar, had a beer and watched the sermon for the Royal Wedding (yawn) while David finalized cancellation of his credit cards. We then walked to a police station where a young Australian woman helped us organize a police report.
All this took some time so we had a quick lunch near the Acropolis Museum, retrieved our bags and decided NOT to take the Metro to Piraeus. I'm sure we overpaid the taxi driver - he was so happy and nice to us!!
There was a festive mood on the fairly crowded ship to Naxos. If we hadn't been so jetlagged, we might have had a good time. Five hours later, we were in our very clean, modern, small hotel room.

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